IAF Members' news

Stakeholder Engagement at UKAS

Richard Collin
Director of External Affairs

As the UK’s National Accreditation Body, UKAS supports the smooth functioning of markets, the delivery of public policy and the delivery of an effective consumer protection regime.

UKAS adheres to the international standard for accreditation bodies, ISO/IEC 17011, to ensure impartiality in its operations. One of the key pillars of maintaining impartiality is through stakeholder engagement and outreach. By actively involving stakeholders in its policy and decision-making processes, UKAS ensures that diverse perspectives are considered, fostering a sense of trust and credibility in accreditation.

Stakeholder Members

As a company limited by guarantee, UKAS has twenty-two stakeholder members who represent four constituencies: customer representatives; government and regulatory bodies; business and industry, and professional, consumer, and other organisations. Balanced representation across these constituencies ensures that no single interest dominates decision-making.

Stakeholder members play a crucial role in UKAS’s corporate governance, holding voting rights in the UKAS Annual General Meeting. This ensures that stakeholders have a voice in shaping the policies and direction of UKAS.

Policy Advisory Forum and Council

To engage stakeholders on policy matters, UKAS has established the Policy Advisory Forum (PAF), a platform for discussions and consultations on accreditation-related policy issues. Importantly, PAF representation is balanced across the same constituencies, ensuring fair and comprehensive stakeholder representation.

Members of the PAF are selected to form the smaller Policy Advisory Council (PAC). The PAC is also an advisory body, providing expert insights and recommendations on policy matters. Through these groups, UKAS ensures that a wide range of perspectives are considered when formulating policies.

Technical Advisory Committee structure

UKAS also seeks advice on technical operational issues through its Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) structure. With thirteen TACs covering issues such as asbestos, biobanks, medical laboratories, and management systems certification, UKAS harnesses technical expertise to continuously improve its accreditation processes.

Delivering stakeholder outreach

UKAS employs a variety of stakeholder outreach initiatives and activities to foster dialogue, gather insights, and promote understanding of UKAS’s role and the importance of accreditation.

Participation in events

Over the past year, UKAS has actively participated in various events, including those organised by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute, Electrical Safety First, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Prosper (formerly the Scottish Council for Development and Industry) and Civil Service Live in Cardiff, Glasgow, and London. By taking part in these events, UKAS showcases its expertise, engages with stakeholders and stays updated with industry trends and challenges.

Talks and consultations

UKAS gives regular introductory talks on accreditation to government departments, regulators and devolved administrations. These talks raise awareness of the importance of accreditation and the role played by UKAS in delivering policy objectives and “smarter” regulation.

UKAS responds to consultations issued by government bodies and regulators. Submitting around thirty consultation responses each year, UKAS contributes its expertise and insights to the policymaking process.

Strengthening partnerships and collaborations

UKAS also focuses on developing existing partnerships and collaborations. For instance, Make UK joined as UKAS’s twenty-second member in 2023, further enriching the stakeholder pool and expanding the diversity of perspectives. UKAS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Institute of Export and International Trade, fostering closer collaboration in areas of mutual interest.

The future of stakeholder outreach at UKAS

The future of stakeholder engagement at UKAS involves continued collaboration and involvement with all external stakeholders. UKAS recognises the importance of gathering stakeholder views and incorporating them into their policy positions and is committed to expanding stakeholder outreach. By listening and responding to the views of stakeholders across the UK, UKAS maintains its independence, impartiality, and relevance as the National Accreditation Body.

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